European Media Art Festiaval Osnabrück
Workshop / Do, 21. April 2016 | 15:00 / Klostergewölbe der Kunsthalle

Best of VR-Art

Prof. Rotraut Pape, Thomas Bannier, Nikolas Gebbe, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach

Prof. Rotraut Pape, Thomas Bannier und Nikolas Gebbe of Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (HfG, University of Art and Design) present a "Best of VR Art" short film and art program by students of the HfG and the roots and innovative possibilities of cinematographic VR films. Six parallel stations focus on the development of expansive, immersive films from the direction of 360° FullDome films, which has been researched and practically realized at the HfG Art Academy since 2007. Screened for the first time at the annual FullDome Festival in Jena since 2007, these works subsequently caused a sensation around the world, highlighting HfG as the nucleus of research on immersion.

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