European Media Art Festiaval Osnabrück
Ausstellung / So, 24. April 2016 | 10:00 / Klostergewölbe der Kunsthalle

From FullDome to VR-Video - Cinematic Virtual Reality

The experimental exploration of the immersive medium Virtual Reality. Detached from the real world, exploring virtual space, progressive media artists endeavour to prise open new levels of perception.

In collaboration with the Hessen State University of Art and Design (HfG Offenbach), we present a selection of VR projects on data glasses. (Kunsthalle/monastery vault) 

Wearables from Students of Hochschule Osnabrück: 

Tobias Düser, Linnea Helms, Joy Moorkamp / D / 2016

Jannik Bussmann, Sebastian Galezka, Carlos Niermeier / D / 2016

Nina Hanfeld, Sorél Loum, Felix Queisler / D / 2016

Open 10:00 - 22:00 h

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